September 2023 Additional information  –  RAAC Concrete:

WPS is unaffected by the concerns about RAAC concrete.

School was surveyed in April 2022 and again on 20th July 2023 and no further testing was required.

WPS Ethos and Values

‘”The school values remind us of the importance of treating people the way you would like to be treated yourself”

“The school values, like determination and self-belief, help me keep going when I am stuck with my work” voice of the WPS child 2023

Our WPS values lead the way in all our work and provide the foundations of our welcoming and supportive school ethos.

We worked together to establish our values when WPS first opened in September 2011, they are the Olympic and Paralympic values.

In September 2015 we reviewed our values and added Teamwork and Self-belief to make the WPS values complete.

Our values can be found around our school buildings and grounds, you can even find a Spanish version of them if you look very carefully.

We combine our values with the FBV’S ( Fundamental British Values) to ensure WPS children are prepared for life in modern Britain. 

Woolton Primary School Charter and Positive Behaviour Policy

During  September  2019 we reviewed our Woolton Primary School Charter and Positive Behaviour Policy. Our ethos is to encourage all children and adults to respect and support each other at all times. Children are expected to show thoughtfulness and care for each other. 

Our school charter and positive behaviour policy provide our pupils with the necessary guidance and support that will enable them to demonstrate positive behaviour and attitudes to learning during their time in school.  

Our School Charter

To make our school a happy place for everyone to learn and work we have agreed we will:

  • Always respect everyone and celebrate their differences.
  • Always look after each other and try to be honest.
  • Show we care by resolving disagreements peacefully.
  • Always use our best manners and be helpful to everyone.
  • Always listen carefully to each other and try our very best in all we do.
  • Always move around the school quietly and safely.
  • Always take good care of our school property and belongings.
  • Show respect for ourselves and our school by wearing our uniform with pride

Our Positive Behaviour Policy explains our school reward system, including our school postcards which are sent home weekly. 

Click on the blue link below to view a full copy of our Positive Behaviour Policy and our Woolton Gem Award including our Weekly Focus Areas for improving the behaviour of all pupils. 

WPS Positive Behaviour Strategy and Anti Bullying Policy 2023-24

Passport for Learning

At WPS we all use whole body listening –  the poster below explains what we do.

Anti-Bullying work at WPS

We want all our pupils to learn in a safe, caring, supportive and happy environment without the fear of being bullied. Anti-bullying themes and teaching children safe messages are an integral part of our daily work. 

WPS School Council host a range of events and activities during National Anti-Bullying Week this takes place from 13th-17th November 2023 . The theme for this year is “Reach Out !”

Some links to further information about safety and positive behaviour:

  • Bullying UK – Information and advice about bullying for children, parents and schools.
  • Kidscape – An organisation which helps to prevent bullying and child abuse.
  • Childline – ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people

   WPS Weekly Focus Behaviour Themes 

Equality and Diversity at WPS 

At WPS we are committed to equality and diversity and we are really proud of the work we do to ensure that everybody at our school is treated with equal dignity and worth, valuing their particular characteristics such as their age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic circumstances. During 2023 we have a special focus on our value of equality and our children and staff have worked to establish our school definition of equality.

 Single Equality Policy and Plan 

Please click on the blue link below to view our Equality Policy and plan.

          Equality Objectives Page 2023-24                         

Black History Month October 2023

 As part of our extended work and History Curriculum we study Black Hstory throughout the year but also we complete additional focused work during Black History Month.  This year we are studying local black achievers.

WPS Additional Policy Documents 2023-26

Please click on the blue letters to open the documents below

WPS Whistleblowing 2023 Liverpool City Council

WPS Charging Policy 2023-26

Complaints Procedure 2024 -2025, please click below

WPS Complaints Procedure

 WPS Procedure for managing unreasonable/serial complaints