Community and PFA
What is the PFA?
All parents and guardians are automatically members of Woolton Primary School’s Parents
& Friends Association, whose mission is to enhance the learning experience of all pupils.
The PFA is a registered charity, which supports the school by organising events, including
two annual fayres, and other fundraising activities. Over the past 12 months it has funded
school trips, gifted £150 to every class, built an eco-friendly bike shed, bought athletic kits,
created a Christmas grotto and run a Spring Fayre. In that time, it has raised more than
£4,000, plus a further £9,500 in grant funding.
How you can help
None of this can happen without parents’ support, so please consider giving up a small
amount of your time to come to a monthly committee meeting or to volunteer for an event.
As well as helping to make your child’s time at Woolton Primary special, there are many
personal benefits to getting involved including building your confidence, learning new skills
and making friends. Every parent has plenty to offer the PFA, whether it’s being on the
committee, helping out at events or coming up with new ideas.
Committee members for 2024/25
Chair: Laura Coslett
Vice chair: Jessica Sloane
Secretary: Kate Taylor
Treasurer: Rebekah Ashton
School liaison: Lynne Wasley
Get involved
If you would like to find out more, fill in this short online form or email
The PFA committee welcomes ideas for how it should spend its funds – let them know yours
in this online form.
Find out more about how the PFA has supported the school in its latest annual report.