WPS Homework Timetable 2020-21
Children will bring home the following homework each week: English, Maths, Spelling, Reading. The quantity of homework will increase as children progress through the school and move towards Year 6.

Helping your child with homework

Reading Support


Helping your Reception aged child




 Time to talk

 Spending time talking with your child is extremely important.  Talking is key to writing.  Through talk you can develop your child’s vocabulary and sentence structure and this will help them with their independent writing. 

Even though we know how much time is spent talking at home, below are some more ideas for you to think about.

– Talk to your child when you are playing together.

– Enjoy songs and nursery rhymes together, especially those with actions.

– Gain your child’s attention when you want to talk together.

– Encourage your child to look at you when you are talking.

– Listen to your child carefully and give them time to finish. Take turns to speak and encourage other members of   the family to take turns too.

– Slow down your own rate of talking.

– Talk about things as they happen, for example as you run the bath or unpack the shopping.

– Increase your child’s vocabulary by giving choices, for example, “Would you like orange or blackcurrant to drink?”

– Encourage your child to speak in full sentences rather than just giving you a “Yes/no” response.

– To help your child speak in full sentences it is important that they hear you speaking in sentences.