Preparing Children for  the next stages of their education and Secondary School

WPS is a values led school community. Our values lead all of our work and our children learn our school values from the earliest age in Nursery.

We have a range of whole school approaches, such as our values, that help our children to succeed by supporting them to move through year groups and to the next and each stage of their journey. These are enhanced by our teaching of SMSC, PSHCE and the British Values.

Our larger sized school environment enables us to encourage children to develop confidence and independence and to interact with a wide range of adults.

Transition –  we provide a range of internal transition activities and events that enable children to  prepare as they move from class to class and year group to year group. We also hold new to year group events for parents and carers every year. We organise enhanced transition plans and opportunities for our children with additional needs and SEND.

Curriculum  –  the overall outcomes of our children demonstrate the majority for our children are ready for the next stage of their educational journey, for example, 85% of our children achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined, at the end of KS2. This is compared with 59% nationally and 53% locally. The children who did not achieve the standard made good progress from their starting points. We use intervention programmes and tuition to support children not on track.

Children at the end of Foundation Stage, Y1 and Y2 achieve very positive outcomes also.

Approaches for Y6 moving to secondary education – we prepare our Y6 children to move to the next stage by working as a Y6 Team rather than in classes.

Children work in different groups and with different teachers for English and Maths and a range of other curricular activities including PE and careers work.

We have specific rewards to celebrate Y6 progress and achievement and additional workshops and visitors to specifically focus on Secondary preparation Including online safety, traveling to school, safeguarding, safety activities with the police.

Children take part in secondary transition days and online events though Liverpool Learning Partnership.

We organise additional pastoral support workshops for children needing self confidence and self – esteem boosting.

We also encourage children to take part in a range of leadership activities as well as grow in confidence and independence through taking responsibility and self-management eg: managing homework timetables.

We discuss topics and work with additional visitors to focus on preparation for life in modern UK by exploring topics such as racism, sexism, toxic masculinity, homophobia, 

We deliver an enhanced career programme in Y6 through Positive Footprints and additional visiting role models also utilising the wider skills of our own staff and school community members.

“I feel ready to leave as I know what to expect next but I will miss WPS very much” comment from Y6 Child July 2022