Library and reading books

Library books will be given to your child on MondayWednesday and Friday every week. These books are sent home for you to read to your child and develop a love of reading together. Your child will also be given a reading book every Friday which they can read to you using their phonic knowledge and understanding, this will start shortly after they have learnt their first few sounds.

* We advise that all children have a book bag for school for home reading books. *

Our PE days

Miss Gregson – Wednesday morning

Mrs Cushion – Tuesday  morning

Miss Mc Gloin – Thursday morning

Snack time

Your child will be given snack every morning which they will share with their friends. This is a social time for children to engage with their friends in a happy and engaging enviornment. 

We provide a healthy snack for your child in the morning which counts towards one of their five a day. Here are just some of the examples of snack we offer in school:

  • A carton of milk
  • Banana 
  • Apple
  • Raisins
  • Carrot
  • Pear
  • Tangerine
  • Dried fruit such as mango 
  • Tomato
  • Sugar snap peas

If there is anything your child cannot have due to allergies or dietary requirements please inform their teacher as soon as possible.

Information for parents 






Physical activity for Early Years.pdf

Have you seen our ‘GOOD’ Ofsted report? 

These are some of the fantastic comments that Ofsted have said about our school and foundation stage…

“Children get off to a good, and sometimes outstanding, start in the creative and stimulating Early Years Foundation Stage”

“Pupils achieve well in reading, writing, and mathematics, making good, and sometimes excellent, progress from their starting points”

“Pupils are proud of their school, enjoy learning, behave well and feel safe”

“Pupils generally do well in reading because they receive good-quality teaching of phonics in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1”

“Children in Nursery and Reception classes learn and play together very well, which gives them a good start to their school life”

“Pupils are friendly, courteous and well-mannered. They move around the school quietly and sensibly. They get on well with one another and with all the adults in an environment of mutual respect”

“Pupils are proud of their new school and speak enthusiastically about the caring staff and the help they receive. They are also keen and eager to learn. This is reflected in their improving attendance, which is close to the national average, and their good behaviour in lessons and while at play”

 EYFS Reception Curriculum  

Please click on the blue links below to view our EYFS and Reception Curriculum Information

EYFS Curriculum Intent

Reception Curriculum Map