Please click on the links in blue for current information about supporting SEND children at WPS. 

WPS SEND Report May 2022

WPS Send Policy 2022-23

WPS Local Offer

WPS Accessibility Plan 2023-34

 This information can also be  found by following this link to the Statutory Information page.

Key Staff at WPS

Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and Safeguarding, Senco Lead –  Miss E O’Connor

EYFS/ Key Stage 1 Senco –  Miss E O’Connor 

Key Stage 2 Senco –  Mrs J Eagleton

School Nurse – Mr L Skelhorn

Governor with responsibility for SEND children –  Mr A Cocklin

Please contact the school Admin Team if you would like to talk to a member of our SEND Team.

High Aspirations for All – Supporting SEND children at WPS an Overview