Woolton Gems, Sporting Gems and Rainbow Reader Awards and further Awards

Passport for Learning and Woolton Gem Awards

Please click the link below to see our passport for learning. 

Children work throughout the year to achieve all of the targets in our Passport for Learning. Click on the picture to see the WPS Passport for Learning. 

To become a Woolton Gem children will “go the extra mile” and achieve these consistently along with the 5 Key areas of the Woolton Gem Award. 

Rainbow Readers Awards

Rainbow Reader Awards are given to WPS children as a celebration of progress, achievement and enjoyment in reading.  Our current Rainbow Readers are displayed in our special Rainbow Reading displays around school. Rainbow Readers also make regular reading recommendations to other children. 

Sporting Gem

Sporting Gem Awards are presented to children making a wonderful effort in sporting activities

both at home and in school.

We encourage our WPS children and further celebrate their the success  with the following whole school awards: 

  • Star of the week award – each class every week in assemblies
  • Y6 Achievement – one child each week trophy
  • Woolton Gem Award – overall achievement of all aspects of the weekly themes respect, friendship, learning behaviours
  • Sporting Gem Award – achievement  and effort in sports activities at home and in school
  • Rainbow Reader Award/ golden token vending machine – effort, progress and frequency in reading 
  • Times tables Champion of the Week – Y3 and Y4
  • Praise Postcards –  themed
  • Subject Postcards
  • Values Awards – half termly themed
  • Attendance  –  whole school rewards, ( eg:Zoolab, Jamie Knight visit) individual improvement awards
  •  Weekly booster awards  – Monday –  Magical Monday –  for  a great start to the weekWednesday  –  Midweek Marvel – positive attitude Friday  –  Friendship Friday –  showing our friendship value Classes also have their own additional awards.